I have been reading your blog for quite a while now which has kept me on the lookout for lowercase ls. I didn’t think that I would ever find one… until tonight. I almost caused a traffic accident because I was so excited about the find! I guess the marquee poster decided that this (pictured) would look less weird than HALlOWEEN lOCK IN. I think that I agree.
Awesome find. Somebody had to go way up on a ladder to create that monstrosity...
lol i never noticed that!
im on the lookout now!
Hey. Great site, I lOVE the concept. :p I just started my own blog that basically makes fun of social networking (ironic?) Anyway, check it out if you want. I'd love it so much if you could put my blog up on yours.
Keep posting!
I feel the same way. I don't think I'll ever find a lowercase l to capture.
YOur site motivated me to start a blog on misspelt words.
Though in my country I dont think i will ever find a L written as I. (MInd you all our sign boards and stuff are in English, in case u are wondering).
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