Now reader Elisabeth stirs the lowercase L bucket with this photo, a marquee welcoming AllSTATE INS. I think the person who assembled this sign should call AllSTATE Painting to fill in the missing uppercase L's.
Ever notice hand-written signs with letters in all-caps, except for the letter L? It looks like an uppercase i ...
I was at a midnight Harry Potter party at a Kroger grocery store in Texas, and I HAD to take a picture of the sign. Looks like it took them two tries to get "JUlY" wrong. But, the people in charge of selling the books weren't too bright to begin with - they were planning on having a raffle drawing at 1 am, because they figured people would want to stick around and have the party AFTER they had already bought the book. Yeah. Not much thought went into that one.
I hope you don't mind, but I spotted a lowercase L today at the farmer's market and blogged it via my Treo to see if it would work:
It did. I know this probably precludes an appearance on the Lowercase L blog (my dream for a long time) but if you want to use it, feel free...
What rational explanation could there be for having a lowercase and uppercase L in the same word?
It couldn't have been a space issue - there's room for the capital L in the middle. Was the person in a hurry? Or just CIUELESS?
From a recent Shea Stadium game; for Jewish player Shawn Green. Green hit a home run to win the game!