Saturday, March 29, 2008


Wendy W. found this supreme celebrity example of lowercase L lunacy — and apostrophe abuse — on the It almost looks as if RenĂ©e Zellweger is pointing directly at the L in GEORGE ClOONEY, as if she is mocking the fan who wrote the sign. This one ROCK'S!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Lowercase L reader Jeff muses,
Thanks for doing this blog. I was delighted to find it because this enigma has perplexed me for years. I mean, what's so hard about case consistency, especially with the "L"? I like to muse about what some of these people would do with words like "willing", and "hillbillies". I see the phenomenon a lot in the grafitti of my co-workers, but I think I'll stick to signs like this one. It was on the Boston Post Road in Old Saybrook, CT. The other side was correct, but was clearly written by somebody else.

Thanks, Jeff, and WAlK-INS like this one are certainly welcome.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Missoula, Montana artist Marc Moss made my day with this colorful contribution:

The Old Post Pub in Missoula, MT has some great lowercase ls. They originate from the chalkboard above the bar that displays which beers they have on tap. The artist dissed The Kettlehouse, Blackfoot Brewing Company and Flathead Lake Brewing Company. (All 3 breweries have great beer, BTW).

In addition to the bastardized brewery names, you'll do a double-take with DOUBlE HAUl IPA, and freeze with terror at the sight of COlD SMOKE.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Unnatural SElECTION

I found this sign at a convenience store a few weeks ago when I went home to visit my family in Vineland, New Jersey. It was in Vineland that I first started noticing the lowercase L phenomenon as a child, so it was no surprise to find this highly unnatural SElECTION as I purchased my Mega Millions lottery tickets. I'm surprised I didn't win the lottery that night ... after finding that lowercase L gem, I was feeling lucky.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Mike found these stunning examples of lowercase L "Engrish" translation in a Shanghai supermarket. You might say the person who constructed this sign wasn't using his noodle when he spelled out NOODlES, but at least he has the excuse of English as a second language.

I guess he was no literary genius, either, judging by this remarkably vague sign leading us to the lITERARY STYLK THING.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


Local Brooklynite Bethany B. found this one a few months ago on Court Street in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. I believe this FAll SPECIAl could mark the fall of civilization.

I like this alternate photo below — if you click enlarge, you can see the reflection of stunned bystanders all gathering around to witness the atrocity.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Set in Stone

Over the years, we've seen a variety of lowercase L mishaps — mostly handwritten, some minor typographical lowercase L errors, and even a few doozies with more permanent ramifications. But this one, discovered by fellow Blogger Christian, is about as permanent and humiliating as you can get when it comes to poor lowercase L judgement.

Photographed above is a memorial to physicist Harry K. Daghlian, Jr., a physicist whose bad luck apparently didn't end when, in 1945, he became the first person killed in a critical mass experiment while developing atomic bombs at the government's secret lab in Los Alamos, N.M. In what might be the worst case of lowercase L abuse to date, Daghlian's native New London, Connecticut memorialized him with this monument, HARRY K. DAGHlIAN JR, boldly chiseled in stone.

Thankfully this is a memorial and not his actual gravestone. Otherwise I have a feeling Harry would be turning over.

Update 3/5/08: I've tried coming up with a logical explanation for this incredible example of lowercase L misuse. The most likely scenario I can think of is that the engraver was given a handwritten note on paper, with Daghlian's name already bastardized as DAGHlIAN. The engraver probably just chiseled away at the marble accordingly, figuring the author of the epitaph knew better than he. I can just imagine the conversation after the stone memorial was delivered.

"Who is Daghiian? You need to change it to DAGHLIAN!"

"Sorry, that's what you wrote on the form. There's no way to squeeze in the uppercase L now. We'd need to carve an entirely new piece. It'll cost ya'".

"We don't have the budget to buy another! I guess this one will have to do. People will know it's an L, right?"

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, mister."

Monday, March 03, 2008


Bob from the L-inspired blog Why a Tittle sent in this double scoop of lowercase L's for Beezers Ice Cream: FlAVORS on one side, and LAST CAll on the flip side.