Thanks to Caitlin Dover of PRINT Magazine, and Jeremy D. for his excellent lowercase L photo.
Ever notice hand-written signs with letters in all-caps, except for the letter L? It looks like an uppercase i ...
I have to admit, when I first came across your blog I thought "how ridiculous". I found it hard to believe there was enough lower case L mess-ups to justify a website. But your pictures told me otherwise; and then I guess my eyes were opened, because just two days later (today) I spot this perfect example on the corner of 43rd and 6th in Manhattan, NYC, just opposite Bryant Park.
William Levin has a peeve, and it is this: Sometimes, when people create handwritten signs, they choose to capitalize every letter except the letter "L." It bugged him as a child, when he saw a sign for a "YARD SAlE." It bugged him as a college freshman, when his dorm mates made T-shirts advertising themselves as residents of "STONE HAll." It bugged him as an adult, and he decided to blog about it.