Chris the Yard Sale Queen is back with another find, this time from Hollywood, Maryland. What's impressive about this sign, "STORE ClOSiNG PlEASE COME TO OUR lOCAT. IN HOllYWOOD", is that there are five — count 'em, FIVE — lowercase L's used where uppercase L's should be. The presence of the lowercase i in ClOSiNG is a nice attempt to balance the lowercase L situation, but it doesn't help much. This could technically qualify as an example of limited letter real estate, as is evident with the abbreviated lOCATION and the dangling D in HOllYWOOD. But it still makes me wonder what's up with these stencil letter kits always lacking uppercase L's. Do they just expect sign writers to construct their own uppercase L's by juxtaposing two lowercase L's?
methinks they expect people to use the uppercase E, but leave off the two incorrect limbs. ;)
You know, Girl, I think you may actually be right!
My stencil kit has a perfectly respectable uppercase L...
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