In his e-mail, Richard also posed the question, "I am wondering why someone hasn't made a lowercase i site, for signs where all the letters are capitals, but there's a dot over each I." Well, photos of lowercase i's might make for a fun blog, but the reason we do not focus on that anomaly is because, even though the use of lowercase i's within all uppercase letters is an odd writing style, it is not confusing to read. The lowercase i cannot be mistaken for any other letter, unlike the lowercase L, which can look like an uppercase i, or even the number 1.
oops--it's anomaly--not "anomoly" which of course, is an ANOMAlY for your blog!
Love your blog!
I'm stunned! I haven't noticed the lower case habit/error around here. I must go hunting.
What about apostrophe's in the wrong place?
I think this grocery worker also misspelled the name of the pear...it should be BARTLETT, with two "T's"
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