Monday, March 26, 2007

KIll Your Timid Notion

Most instances of improper lowercase L usage occur in offline, in the real world. That is why we should celebrate Dale B. and her find on the Kill Your Timid Notion 2007 website for the underground music and film festival in Scotland. If you visit the site and click on the Flash navigation arrows, you'll find the Timetable page with a most peculiar end paragraph (shown above). The use of double lowercase L's is astounding! I'll let the word "All" pass, because it is not at All confusing. But GAllERY and INSTAllATIONS are double trouble, and TAlKS has me speechless. Dale describes the ordeal as "A strange paragraph, visually speaking, but an amazing festival."


Detail Muse said...

Did you notice that "film" and "salon" have legit capital Ls?

Shadow said...

