This is not the first bad APPlE to be mentioned on this site. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but an APPlE with any frequency may require a visit from a psychologist with a background in dysgraphia.
Ever notice hand-written signs with letters in all-caps, except for the letter L? It looks like an uppercase i ...
haha... saw you linked on apostrophe catastrope blog... this is interesting as i do not believe i have ever noticed lowercase L's (or would that be Ls?) used like this... i have seen them put in words where they do not belong!!!
At the grocery store, the customer service desk has a sign up about the "lottery drawling".
i wonder if there is a blog dedicated to the lowercase I since a lot of people don't capitalize them... like me.. (sometimes I do and sometimes i don't... depends on how lazy i feel).
cool blog!
It's very refreshing to see someone else concerned with this! The whole lowercase l disease grates my nerves, as does the throngs of folks in charge of signs who don't understand the art of the apostrophe.
No joke, there used to be a sign at a local deli that stated:
Please pay for you're newspaper's before taking.
AAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Love your blog -- I'm a former Brooklynite myself, rock on!
Those are the cheapest apples I have ever seen.
That's a cute subject for a blog, man. Saw your blog in Yahoo! Weekly Picks. You must be a proud owner of very curious eyes.
I will link your blog to mine in the next couple of days.
Wow man that's like the best idea for a blog, ever.
You get in my links right away!
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