Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Last night I ate at the new CHIlES & CHOCOlATE Oaxacan Kitchen here in Park Slope on 7th Ave. at Lincoln Place. The food was very tasty, but the menu board writing was hasty. I'll give the author a break for making the lowercase L slightly taller than the adjacent i in CHIlES, and for writing the adjacent A lower in CHOCOlATE. But what follows is no WElCOME sign. Man, that WElCOME is just distracting! And regarding the SCAllOPS, friend and fellow blogger Lilit complained that the double lowercase L's look like the writer forgot to dash an H in SCAHOPS.

While I may still eat here again, I will never truly feel 100% welcome.


Mervyn said...

Ahh this one's a beauty.

ben said...

incredible! never realised that thing with lowercase L.

Why is this happening ?

Anonymous said...

what's the big deal? someone please explain this to me. Why is this stupid thing such a big friggin deal?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

it's not big deal, it is curiosity, and a visually funny one at that...something a little different to focus attention on. Kind of like ligatures...

Anonymous said...

its visually stunning! :D

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Irene Grumman said...

Now that you've brought the confusing, mangled L to my mind, I will be seeing it everywhere.

I would be trying to pronounce all those l's as i's. The miswriters are probably not even Finnish or Hawaiian, which are the only languages I can think of which use a double ii.

Accuracy in spelling helps maintain a common language, so we can understand each other.

Shadow said...

That sign is terrible! I found myself re-reading each lowercase-L at least three times before I could comprehend the meaning.

Michael J. Wilson said...

I've been wondering if I should eat there...maybe the sign will be better this week when I check it out.

Anonymous said...

I have always been fascinated by this phenomenon. I laughed out loud at SCAHOPS. SOOO amazed to find your blog. Keep searching, keep posting.

Unknown said...

Last night’s dinner at the new CHILES & CHOCOLATE Oaxacan Kitchen on the corner of 7th Avenue and Lincoln Place in Park Slope was a real treat! Everything was so flavorful and fresh. The dishes were bursting with flavor, and their use of fresh ingredients was impressive. I especially loved the dessert topped with rich and velvety dairy cream—it was the perfect finish to a fantastic meal !