Found on IDontLikeYouInThatWay.com, the first, best, and most shocking offense in this handwritten prison letter from Mark "HOllYWOOD" Hatten is the willfully given "SPERM SAMPlE", splashed on the yellow stationary (seen above) for us to soak in. Further down in the letter is the less offensive "HOllYWOOD", not as confusing because there is some variation in the height of the capital letters. Finally, at the bottom of the letter, we are treated to a double whammy with the request to "PlEASE CONTACT: ATTORNEY AT LAW, PAUl F. FEGEN" (click image on right to see full size).
I don't understand much about the laws surrounding custody of Anna Nicole's baby, but at least now I understand why this guy is behind bars.
1 comment:
Considering the subject is graphical errors: the 'c' in susceptible has gone AWOL.
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