Believe it or not, hunting for lowercase L's is not all I do. By trade I am also a computer consultant in NYC. Today as I fixed a client's Macintosh, I noticed that he had pulled my index card from his Rolodex and taped it to his computer for easy reference. Imagine my delight when I saw that he had written my name in perfect lowercase L form! What makes this case extra special--besides the fact that it is my name--is that we've got double lowercase L's flanked by two uppercase i's! You couldn't ask for a better example than that. I do find my client's use of lowercase L's puzzling, because he obviously is not averse to using uppercase L's, as he did when writing my last name.
Hope you don't mind if I linked you on my blog. This is quite a phenomenon, and I feel that people should know about this!!!
Thank you for spreading the word, Spinning Girl. If you find any lowercase L's, please photograph and send them my way!
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