Wednesday, April 21, 2010

RAISE PlOW again

Friend and frequent flyer, Paul Berger, so impressed with my soaring career as a niche blogger that he named his first born child Lowercase EllA in honor of this blog, submits the above iPhone snapshot from the corner of East 47th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.  This RAISE PlOW sign, which is clearly the work of the same sign bandit who authored this very notice on the Upper West Side, as reported by sweetheart Malya K, may raise more than plows.  It also raises eyebrows, suspicion, and questions, like, "Who supervises the proper use of uppercase and lowercase L's in this city?" and "Why is my plow all screwed up after driving down East 47th Street by Lexington Avenue?"  And, "What is a piow?"

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