The criteria for a good lowercase L sighting are simple, though these rules may evolve over time:

FAKE! (I know because I made this)
  • The basic qualifier for a lowercase L sighting is a sign containing at least one word consisting of mostly uppercase letters and at least one lowercase L.
  • The words "I'll", "All" and "Ill" may look better written as I'LL, ALL and ILL, but they may be legitimately written with only the first letter uppercase.  So this mug, below, is not a good example of a breach in lowercase L protocol.
Does not need to read "I'LL"
  • If a word consists of all uppercase letters except for a lowercase L that is noticeably TALLER than the rest of the word, it's not so confusing, and therefore less desirable.
IT'S STREAKless! But not so confusing.
Photo by Rimpy

More rules as I think of them.

Now you can SUBMIT your photo.