Tuesday, July 31, 2007

AllSTATE Revisited

A few months ago a young lowercase L reader submitted this photo of an AllSTATE Painting van, not to be confused with Allstate auto insurance, who spell their company name with only one capital letter and the remaining lowercase.

Now reader Elisabeth stirs the lowercase L bucket with this photo, a marquee welcoming AllSTATE INS. I think the person who assembled this sign should call AllSTATE Painting to fill in the missing uppercase L's.


Sex Without the City said...

I stumbled across your blog and immediately was intrigued! I'm definitely going to be on the lookout for lowercase L's, (or l's?) now! I bookmarked your blog. Please visit mine if you have a chance.

BoggyWoggy said...

Hee, hee. My brother works for AllSTATE.

Anonymous said...

personally I'm far more concerned with that last word - what's an "in"? (I can only assume that they meant "inn")

William Levin said...

Anon, INS is short for INSURANCE!