Fellow blogger and Brooklyn buddy Berger Boy finally made the grade with this lowercase L. Paul writes:
I hope you don't mind, but I spotted a lowercase L today at the farmer's market and blogged it via my Treo to see if it would work:
It did. I know this probably precludes an appearance on the Lowercase L blog (my dream for a long time) but if you want to use it, feel free...
Not a bad example, Paul, though I must point out that the lowercase L is taller than the rest of the letters, except for the B, which makes it less confusing than if all the letters were the same size.
Funnily enough, the day after Paul sent me his find, for which he had scoured the neighborhood for months, I found this SAlE literally around the corner from his home:

Now that's a lowercase L!
I must say until I came across your site a few days ago I had never noticed this phenomenon.
I have just seen a case of it today, but I can't send it to you!
It is in a subscription request to the magazine I work for so it is personal information. But DONAlD is now a subscriber to my magazine!
Love it. Why would people pick the most easily confused letter to uncapitalize?
Wow, southernbelle, if you could take a photo of that subscription request and black out or blur the last name and address and send it this way, that would be COOl!
You see, Southern Belle, there's an entire psychological study done on the "lowercase L" phenomenon. As an elementary teacher, I can attest to its worthiness. Children constantly make little L's where there should be big L's.
They also write "lick" instead of "like." I've received many, "I lick you, Teacher" notes over many years of teaching!
Okay, okay. I am sorry it is not up to your exacting standards.
You are turning into quite a Lowercase L zealot, you know...
It looked like a fine example to me :)
I'm curious about Paul's comment. Paul, what are you talking about?
Boggy, Paul is my friend who found the BlACK RASPBERRIES sign. He believes I am being overly critical of his photo ... perhaps he is right?
that second sign is fantastic. I especially like the use of space-saving techniques when there is extra space to the right of the letter "e" and the fact that the OTHER sign says SALe.
Wow! Why on earth would some capitalize every letter in the word 'SALE' Anyway..?
(literaLLy confused)
Well, Ambre, it makes sense to capitalize all the letters in a word, for EMPHASIS. It's the inclusion of a lowercase L in these otherwise entirely capitalized words that makes this site what it is.
That prior post was so not RIGHT!
I clearly intended to type:
Why on earth would someone capitalize each letter in the word 'SALE' except for the 'l' anyway?
logicaLLY a tyPo...smile
I've never thought about this before. I will explore it in France and see if I can find something...
I think your topic is very interesting, especially to someone who is a stickler for editing. And I don't find it surprising at all that it would take a Virgo (like me) to be curious and amused by such a subject. I've not yet begun to search for signs to photo and send you, but I'm sure here in rural Maine I'll find some real winners.
I'd rather have an iPhone, in fact I do. Dumped my Treo. Still like the hard keyboard on the Treo, but will never go back.
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