Thursday, August 13, 2009


At first glance, I didn't think much of this lowercase L submission, as the word SAlE, with it's lowercase L taller than the other uppercase letters, does not qualify as a good example here. But then I read what Doug of Toms River, NJ said about this whiteboard he found:
I've been walking past this marker board at work for weeks until I finally realized today why it intrigued me. I am especially amused by the vertical presentation of "TROUBlESHOOT" Also, note that what appears to say VPI is in fact VPl, as it stands for "vertical platform lift."

Not to be confused with Visible Panty Line.

1 comment:

Wendebular said...

Or the Vancouver Public Library. They are commonly known as the VPL. Almost as funny as what the Vancouver Art Gallery is alternatively called.