Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Ryan sent in a link to his Picasa Web Album with several photos featuring PIT BUll PUPPIES 4 SAlE, as well as a Tractor For SAlE (the tractor sign isn't so bad because the lowercase L is taller than the other letters in the word, so it isn't confusing).

With the Pit Bull Puppies, the word BUll isn't so bad, either. It's the SAlE that throws things off. It even makes me glance back at PUPPIES, wondering if they're actually pupples? And I don't want to buy any pit bull pupples, I've heard they're dangerous.


BoggyWoggy said...

One of the very best examples I've seen. Authentic...mysterious...makes me wonder...

Anonymous said...

though to be fair the first line looks lowercased with capitalized first letters... "Pit Bull" (or Pit BUll?)
which at first glance made me think PUPPIES was pupples.
but the 4-SAlE thing is kind of an automatic qualification, and the inconsistency just makes it more wonderful I LIKE IT

Anonymous said...

I read the post below first. Again with the word sale..Why capitalize each letter except for the 'l'..

(mind boggeLLing)

Anonymous said...

I beg your pardon. It is four posts down.

Thor said...

Well they've also used a lowercase I in "Pit", which is just as unforgivable!

William Levin said...

Actually, Thor, it's not as bad to use a lowercase i, because you cannot confuse the lowercase i with any other letter. Only the lowercase L is unforgivable when it cannot be distinguished from an uppercase i.

Anonymous said...


Dotting "i's" incorrectly is a sub-symptom of the same disease. The long, straight thingy is an L because an "i" has a dot. That's what makes this example so precious.

Why doesn't "PUPPIES" look like "PUPPLES" to this set of eyes?


William Levin said...

Agreed, Anon, dotting i's incorrectly is probably a symptom of dysgraphia, but you can never confuse a dotted i for anything else (¡except maybe an upside down exclamation mark!), just as you could not confuse an uppercase L for anything else ... except maybe an upside down 7.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Unless they're the last puppies for sale on D-Day, I'm not buying pitbulls.

Anonymous said...

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