I wasn't looking forward to venturing out into the freezing cold today, but my elderly neighbor Bob was all out of cigarettes and could not find the strength to go to the store himself. So on my way out, just a few paces in front of me, what do I see flapping in the wind? These two orange signs, "ROAD ClOSED" on both corners of the street. I imagine the road will be closed for a film crew, as they often shoot movies and commercials in this picturesque neighborhood called Park Slope. But this one hits way too ClOSE for comfort. What are the odds that a perfect example of lowercase L misuse, printed on not one, but two signs, would present itself just footsteps away from my home? Now I'm quite sure there is a conspiracy, and Hollywood is in on it.
Could this be the work of the same street sign author who penned this orange monstrosity in Manhattan?
1 comment:
You may want to check out the recently released Hooters cookbook - there's a great/awful photo in there of a sign reading "FAREWEll."
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