Visiting my niece, Lola, in Boynton Beach, Florida, we took her to The Girls Strawberry U-pick for some fresh hydroponically grown fruit. In what might be a case of limited word space, this PINEAPPlE PlANTATION sign with its crammed-in lowercase L's hung above the entrance to a section of the small farm, swinging eerily in the wind as ominous storm clouds rolled in. Little Lola was unaware of the sign and its foreboding message — at just two years old she's too young to understand. We steered clear of the pineapples and made a hasty exit after picking a few strawberries. One day Lola will learn about our country's embarrassing history with the PlANTATIONS of the south, but for now, ignorance is bliss.
UPDATE 1/21/09: Also reported this case of Apostrophe Abuse at the strawberry farm.
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it never stops!!!
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