Drew sent in this bulletin board want ad for a BASS PlAYER and GUITAR PlAYER. Besides the lowercase L's, there are other hints of dysgraphic action going on in Ken's writing, like the special WANtED headline. I hope the band they form is better than the letter case consistency in their want ad.
Did you get tired before you got to CAll? I would have, but I started reading from the bottom.
Love the blog.
p.s. Please tell me "dygraphic" was written with tongue firmly planted in cheek.
As long as your remember to "CAll Ken" everything will be ok.
Hehe, Darcy, "dygraphic" was more foot in mouth than tongue in cheek :-)
My sister sent me the link to this blog. I'm not at all surprised that there are anough lower case l problems to blog about, since I live in New York City, where things are misspelled and mispuncuated all over the place. Delis are notorious for it. Apostrophes are my personal pet peeve, such as in plural abbreviations, like TVs (which shouldn't have one), and CDs (which also shouldn't have one).
Wow, that's bad. I can't stand it when people mix cases, either.
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