While still away on business in
lONDON, I am pleased to have learned that
lowercase L has been named the
Blogs of Note blog for Monday, June 04, 2007! Blogs of Note, which is an official
Blogger product, posts a daily list of "Interesting and noteworthy Blogger-powered blogs, compiled by the Blogger Team."
: )
I love your blog! Hilarious - congrats on the Blog of Note! I will be watching out for those 'lower case L's' :)
Congrats. Interesting topic!
Congrats! A that's why I'm here ;)
well, thanks be to the gods of bloggers to be noticed because here I am- visiting you. I like you but I have to tell ya; our site is better.
sorry honey.
love boob hug betty and the australian hornbags.
Congratulations on being neamed the Blog Of Note. Your topic is an intriguing one and, as a Struggling Writer, I shall be watchingout for the lower case L's in future. Apologies for those mentioned here, however. :)
Well done on being a Blog of Note -which is what has lead me here. Love this kind of thing so will definately be back - and will try to spot some UK examples to send you.
Hey, great blog and good idea. I'm a sign-freak myself and love to find those really weird ones because in Sweden, where I live, we have A LOT of miss-spellt signs. But, not so much with lowercase L's, that's really rare around here. So, in the future, I'll be on the lookout!
Great blog. Would never have seen it but for Blogs of note. Will give you a link!
Congrats on being a "Blog of Note"!
You are a very observant person to notice such a quirky thing as the lowercase l. I enjoyed my visit!
Got here through Blogs of Note :D Pretty interesting topic for you to focus on! I've never seen lowercase Ls here in my neck of the woods, so it was a bit of a surprise to see that people actually write like that!
such a great read! glad to have found you. hello from the bronx
Congrats, Lowercase L! Love the blog, as I mentioned yesterday. I'm going to link you to mine, esp. since we (seem to) share a passion for grammar, no?
In case you're interested:
Congratulations! I've never really noticed this particular phenomenon before. I'm going to have to keep an eye out for it now.
congrats indeed :)
interesting you talk about l's
havn't noticed that phenomenon... but will do now
check out my blog if you're interested: http://wo-long.blogspot.com
Congratulations from HOllAND (sorry just had to do it),great blog.
Kudos! Good job!
Found you through Blogs of Note ... great, quirky premise! Look forward to catching up through your archives.
lllOVE IT!
i've never even noticed this. i guess i've been too upset by illegal apostrophe's.
Congrats!ur blog is way cool...lOVED it;)
Ummm, I have heard from friends and family that when someone mixes CAPITALS and lowercase letters, it is a sign of intelligence. While not specific to the "L" phenomenon, I'm certain that it is part of the big picture here.
Think about it.
It really doesn't surprise me that you've cracked the list. Your blog always makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations it's a great achievement!
Just wanted to know I have put a link to your blog on mine and written a little post about you.
never wondered why they do that to the L or is it l????????????
Congrats!!! You deserve it... AWESOME BLOG!
Check out Renegade's BS
i just started my blog i see you have quite a following
i was just wondering if you have any advice
Congrats on being NOTEworthy!
hi, just bumped to your blog... nice reads! i wonder though, how come i always use the uppercase L when writing even if all letters are in lowercase=)
Wow congrate by the way i hope you get far with that career of yours. Anyway i LOOOOOOVE your storys keep it up
i had never really noticed that people use the lower case L when they write in all caps until now! thats so interesting and all the different signs you have! nice. . . nice. . .
How do blogs of note get picked out?
I came across your blog for the first time because it was listed as a Blog of Note. I love the idea, and will be back often.
Do you ever have to deal with lower case l forgeries?
Toni, I don't know how I got picked as a Blog of Note, but I am honored!
G.C., I hope no one has submitted any forgeries, other than these obvious examples.
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