With the
American Idol season finale approaching, you couldn't ask for a more topical lowercase L sighting than this one.
Spinning Girl took this snapshot of misguided
BlAKE Lewis fans cheering their Idol on television. In Spinning Girl's words,
Even the cultural behemoth of American Idol isn't immune to Lowercase L syndrome --- look at tonight's show! (May 1) Contestants cheering for Idol contestant Blake (BlAKE) hold up signs confirming that bad singing isn't the only craze sweeping the nation!!!
Could this be a sign that things are looking BlEAK for BlAKE?
I tried to spot a sign for MElINDA tonight, but nope.
Let me be the first to congratulate you on becoming a blogger of note. You can retire, now.
interesting blog. i think the lowercase "l" is to take up less room on signs and what have you. maybe. you got me thinking.
Lowercase L? Have you ever thought that it might just be a font where the L looks like an I? I'm sure this will vary in different countries also.
When writing the "L" in the upper case it has it's meaning and the meaning does not diminish just because you are writing in lower case. While you don't want make people obliged to it is good to Leave or leave the "L" alone altogether. So therefore CoralPoetry people do retire either out of their own free will or under forced circumstances.NWO
I'm pretty fascinated by this....I never really noticed the lowercase L thing before.... :)
It's just easier and more convenient for people to do that....i think...i mean it bugs me that they do that but i think it's rather lazyness more than anything else.
Hey there, GREAT blog, I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
How sad that I live in Germany, where the prevailing handwriting style (and its various permutations) renders the exercise of trying to find a lower-case "l" in an all-caps word obsolete. :(
Otherwise I'd be out there on the street looking for just that :)
Have you ever heard of a blog called "Overheard in New York"? Similar humor, also v. entertaining.
greetings from Cologne, Germany -- ab
PS: Talk about case confusion, you should see this word verification thing I gotta enter here: "hnClIia" -- can you tell which is l and which is i? :)
hi, i'm new here, and i just saw your blog, its really intresting, and original, i will be around often that's for sure ,
have a nice day!
Heyyyy,eu sou do Brazil!
Love you!
Being a grammarian myself, I just found this blog and I LOVE it! Hilarious. I'm, unfortunately, a technophobe, so I don't know that I'll contribute many pix (I don't think my camera has a phone and I'm certain if it does I do not know how to use it), but I'll visit often.
Entendi muita coisa não, mas seu blog está na lista dos mais interessantes, espero qu eentenda minha mensagem, e boa sorte com o blog
americans have bad taste
congrdulating u on becoming a blogger note
This has got to be the most original blog I have seen today. Congratulations on your wake!
I will definitely be on the look out for such absurdities here in the Land Down-Under but I am inclined to think that the LowerCase L syndrome is mostly confined to America. As I digress, I have an Indonesian pal who capitalises all her Rs but i guess that's easy to decipher.I think its something that makes her feel unique.
Sometimes I like him, sometimes I don't. Gurr. Hihi.
who gives a crap? I have never noticed this lowercase L stuff before probably because it is not important, I don't know. I do know that you need to pay more attention to the bigger things in life.
Well done on being a blogger of note. I have to admit it certainly is a perplexing phenomenon you keep your eye on.
Incidentally, I happened to notice a lower case L when watching 'Dog The Bounty Hunter' today.
I've never really noticed that. I will have to be on the look-out for that. I would think I would have noticed that. It wouldn't sound right if it were mistaken for an "I" in certain fonts. And I just took a proofreading class last fall. It helped me watch for common errors. Oh, well.
excellent blog.
American Idol sucks
Bad signing --> bad singing.
Moral: morale depends on good choreography being matched with good orthography.
To put it another way, many fans that don't resign ensure their idol won't resing.
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