Sunday, September 24, 2006

SMAll packages

When I ordered some kosher Chinese take-out at Gan Asia on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, who knew what fortune would fall upon me before even opening my fortune cookies? I noticed the SMAll sample container on the shelf but didn't have my camera with me. Fortunately, my buddy Aryeh Goldsmith also had a yen for Chinese, and also had his PDA phone on him. Good examples of lowercase L's come in SMAll packages!


Anonymous said...

hahhaha- worlds colide. My fiances brother owns that restaurant. He is the culprit writer on the SMAll box.

Shabot 6000 said...

SMAll world ...

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha Ha!My nephew owns that Take out place & his & his dad's birthday is on Oct.8th when Ben Baruch wrote.
Flo in Haifa
PS . The best sushi yet!